As the face of the European Union (EU), the President of the European Union is one of the most important positions in Europe. He or she is responsible for promoting the values of the EU, for upholding the rule of law and stability, and for representing the interests of the EU in global negotiations. The President of the European Union wields significant powers and responsibilities, has important legacies to maintain, and carries the hopes and dreams of the European people. This article will discuss the powers, responsibilities, and legacies of the Presidents of the European Union.
Powers of the President of the European Union
The President of the European Union wields significant powers. Among them are:
• Representation and Legitimacy: The President is the public face of the European Union, representing the Union in official acts and serving as a symbol of unity and legitimacy for the EU. The President has the power to sign documents related to international affairs, and can be the ultimate arbiter of a conflict.
• Determination of Policies: The President has the power to propose and enact EU policies, as well as to negotiate treaties between member states. The President also has veto power over policies determined by the European Commission.
• Selection of Leaders: The President is responsible for proposing and nominating the President of the European Commission, the Secretary-General of the European Commission, and the European Council’s High Representative.
• Administrative Authority: The President has authority over the European Commission, including appointing and dismissing its members and controlling their budgets.
• Political Influence: The President plays an important role in unifying and coordinating the actions of the EU institutions and member states, as well as in mediating disputes between them. The President is also instrumental in leading negotiations with international representatives.
Responsibilities of the President of the European Union
The President of the European Union carries numerous responsibilities, ranging from ceremonial tasks to complex policy matters. The main responsibilities of the President include the following:
• Chairing the European Council: The President chairs the monthly meetings of the European Council, sets the agenda for the meetings, and helps ensure that all sides are heard and consensus is achieved.
• Representing the European Union: The President is responsible for representing the interests, values, and policies of the EU in negotiations with other global entities, as well as at international fora.
• Guiding EU Action: Through working with the Council of the European Union, the European Council, and the European Commission, the President is responsible for helping guide the policy agenda of the EU and ensuring the harmonious functioning of the Union’s institutions.
• Promoting the European Union: The President is responsible for promoting and championing the initiatives and achievements of the EU, as well as communicating the European Union’s values and policies to the public.
Legacies of the Presidents of the European Union
The Presidents of the European Union have left lasting legacies and have helped shape the EU into the formidable union it is today. Notable former European Presidents and their legacies include:
• Jean-Claude Juncker (2014-2019): As the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker oversaw the EU transition from the European Economic Community to the EU. During his tenure, he secured the Brexit transition agreement and made headway on proposals for a single market, an energy union, and a capital markets union.
• Herman Van Rompuy (2009-2014): During Herman Van Rompuy’s time as President of the European Council, he was responsible for brokering a compromise on the Treaty of Lisbon, which improved the EU’s economic governance and provided for deeper integration and smoother decision-making.
• Jose Manuel Barroso (2004-2014): As the President of the European Commission, Jose Manuel Barroso is remembered for his work in ushering in a period of stability, aiding in the introduction of the euro and setting the blueprint for the modern European Union. He also worked to expand the European Union’s political reach, helping to bring in newer, former communist states as members.
The Presidents of the European Union play an invaluable role in unifying the EU and promoting its values throughout the world. From representing the Union’s interests in international negotiations to orchestrating policy compromises between its members, the Presidents of the European Union wield great powers, take on significant responsibilities, and have left meaningful legacies. With its President at the helm, the European Union continues to strengthen and progress in unprecedented ways.